Today I am thankful for Gods gift of friendship =). Growing up you will go through many friendships...some will stay and some will go. The friends I had when I was 5 aren't the same friends I have today (partially due to the many moves), but each friendship in my life meant something and I always learned something from it. Somedays I sit andwonder, "Whatever happened to so and so, we were so close at one point and now I never see them". With facebook it's been easier to keep in contact with some friends and reconnect with old friends. Though it's never quite the same as it was, it's kind of neat to see where everyone has gone in their life.
This past weekend my husband and I took a trip to New Brunswick to visit some very close friends of mine. We went for very important birthday for a very special girl. This friendship started 7 years ago at the birth of my friend Vanessa's daughter. Starting out with chatting at church, then I started babysitting for her and very quickly it grew into a strong bond of friendship. We started hanging out and becoming like sisters (even though she had 3 already, I never had one so I enjoyed it ;) ) What most people find funny about our friendship is...the age difference. Vanessa is 11 years older than me, and we met when I was 13! Hard to believe you could be friends and such a young age with a big age gap, but here it happened. Now here we are 7 years later celebrating the birthday of her daughter whom I love dearly! Vanessa has another child who's absolutely adorable, and now I have one on the way. Hard to believe we watched each other go through different stages of life and struggles and were always there for each other. Now watching her little girl grow up and go from the "cute kid" stage to beautiful little girl stage, is exciting and heart breaking! I can only imagine what it's going to be like when I have to watch my baby grow up and how somedays I will want to wish them little forever!
I am very thankful for the encouragement Vanessa and her husband have been for us. After I meet Adam he quickly grew to enjoy the company of them, and greatly appreciates their friendship too! He's frequently calling Brad and asking him what to do about my moodieness and if it gets any better ;) in which Brad assures him it does. It's been great getting to know them and watching the little ones grow, I look forward to many visits in the future =)!
Another person I am very thankful for is my husband, he's my very best friend and does so much for me! These past few months have not been easy, especially for being newly weds, and he's been so good and patient. I know he loves me and he shows it outwardly, in fact when I got really sick, my Dr. mentioned to my grandparents at how he was so impressed with Adam and the way he looked after me and was concerned for me! I love him so much and I know I don't tell him nearly enough. I am very thankful for the months God has given us together and pray for many more to enjoy.
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