Tuesday, January 11, 2011

A Thankful Heart

"It is impossible for the seeds of depression to take root in a thankful heart."

This is a quote I saw in someones facebook status recently. She had mentioned that it was a quote from the book "Laughter is the spice of life". As soon as I read this quote it hit me right at heart. Lately I've been a little down with being so sick and everything. As much as I am excited about this little baby growing inside of me, it just seemed that there were a lot of inconveniences. Plus the whole fact that I spent my entire Christmas watching everyone else eat Christmas dinner, sweets and leftovers while I picked at my potatoes and occasionally took a mad dash to the washroom. In my sad sorry state I was feeling nothing but pity...for MYSELF. Now I look back a realize how inconsiderate I was being. Many people would give anything to have a baby and be where I am now. I decided to do a self examination and realized that I did not have a thankful heart. Then and there I decided from now on, no matter what the circumstances I will try my absolute hardest to be thankful.
Besides I have many things to be thankful for. Starting with the amazing husband God has given me. Even in the hard times he was there for me, cleaned up after me ;), stood strong in his faith and reminded me that this is Gods plan for our life. Secondly I am thankful for the amazing family I have, and the good grounds my parents have brought me up on. I've learned lots from them, and pray that I can be half as good parent as they have been. I am also thankful for God and his understand and his Grace and mercy for us. So many times I fail him, and yet the Bible promised me that he will never leave me. Lastly (but not finally, because I could go on forever on what I'm thankful for) this little miracle baby, though I didn't understand why at first and even if it seemed not the right time this baby has been and will be a blessing in our life. It's a gift from God and I should always be thankful for the little life he gave. I pray that I will be a good parent and live a life that is pleasing to God and that someday my children will grow up to serve God in anyway they can.

Today I am choosing to be thankful!

"Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name." Psalm 100:4


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